Application Study of Hidden Markov Model Based on Genetic Algorithm in Noun Phrase Identification 基于遗传算法的隐马尔可夫模型在名词短语识别中的应用研究
Learning of Hidden Markov Models Based on Improved ACO Algorithm 基于改进蚁群算法的HMM参数估计
A Layer Picking Method Based on Hidden Markov Model and Bresenham Algorithm 基于隐Markov模型和Bresenham算法的层位追踪法
The Markov localization algorithm is a means of estimating position of a mobile robot using a probability density over the environment of the robot's moving. 马尔可夫定位算法是利用机器人运动环境中的概率密度分布进行定位的方法。
Utilizing Markov algorithm based on the proposed sensor model, localization simulations for symmetrical environment and unstructured environment were carried out. 将此模型放入Markov算法,与其他传感器组成观测模型,并进行对称环境中的单次定位仿真和复杂环境中的连续定位仿真。
Hidden Markov model search algorithm for non-convex duration distributions 非凸段长分布隐含Markov模型的搜索算法
In order to solve these problems a modified Markov localization algorithm is presented, and an approach in which a robot is equipped with a compass or gyroscope, has been proposed. 为了解决这些问题,文中给出了修正算法,并建议在机器人上装上方向仪(如指南针或陀螺仪等),然后利用定义的一个角度高斯分布函数来构造新的机器人感知模型。
An Adaptive Important Sampling Method Based on Markov Chain Sample Simulation Algorithm 一种基于马尔可夫链模拟样本的自适应重要样本法
Hidden Markov model adaptation algorithm using maximum a posteriori nonlinear transformation in noisy environments 噪声环境下基于最大后验非线性变换的隐马尔可夫模型自适应算法
To improve the performance of orientation sensor model in Markov localization algorithm for mobile robots, a new probabilistic model based on Gauss distribution was proposed. 为了改善移动机器人Markov定位算法中方向传感器模型的性能,提出基于高斯函数的新概率模型。
Applying Hidden Markov Chain Algorithm to Video-Stream Analysis 视频流分析的隐藏马尔可夫链算法
Based of the method of linear programming of finite Markov decision process and neural network algorithm, a method for the solution of finite Markov decision problems has been introduced, the efficiency of the method being explained with examples. 在有限马尔可夫决策过程的线性规划求解方法以及神经网络算法的基础上提出了运用神经网络求解有限马尔可夫决策问题的方法.并通过算例验证了该方法的有效性。
In addition, we apply the markov regime switching algorithm to detect the abnormal fluctuations of stock prices in Shanghai stock market. 最后利用马尔可夫机制转换算法(MRS算法)来辨识上海股票市场价格的异常波动。
A robot with only distance sensors cannot find its position in a symmetrical environment by means of Markov localization algorithm alone. 对只有距离传感器的机器人在对称的环境中仅仅采用该算法就无法确定位置。
In order to solve the self-unit commitment problem, this uncertain and mixed integer optimal problem is transformed into a Markov chain and an efficient algorithm is proposed. 为了求解该不确定性混合整数问题,将其转化成为Markov过程,并提出相应算法。
Study on Markov localization algorithm for mobile robots: New modeling method for orientation sensor 移动机器人Markov定位算法的研究&方向传感器建模新方法
A K-mean and Markov random field combined classification algorithm is presented for the coherence map classification. 提出了基于K-均值-Markov随机场的干涉SAR相关系数图组合分类算法。
Taking advantage of an important conclusion in information theory to test conditional independence, a dependency analysis based Markov network learning algorithm ( edge deleting algorithm) is presented. 首先利用信息论中验证信息独立的一个重要结论,提出了一个基于依赖分析的边删除算法发现Markov网。
Consequently, the article proposes hidden Markov model-based algorithm to advance predict precision through mining content of web document read by user. 通过挖掘用户浏览过的网页内容来捕获用户的真正兴趣,提出了基于隐Markov模型的浏览路径预测,提高了预测准确率。
At the end, we discuss the using of the Hidden Markov Mode and the Viterbi algorithm in life. 并论述了隐马尔可夫模型和Viterbi算法在词性标注的运用中的实现方法。
Spatial and temporal processing methods are the two basic algorithms for small targets detection in infrared images. Detection of infrared ( IR) point targets is proposed, based on jump Markov model, and an algorithm for model parameter and state estimation was designed. 提出一种基于跳跃马尔可夫模型的红外点目标检测方法,根据模型设计了采用粒子滤器的模型参数与状态估计算法。
In the present paper, we discussed the application of Bayesian method in linkage analysis, including the Bayesian estimation of recombination fraction, linkage testing based on the Bayes Factor and the Bayesian approach for genetic linkage map construction via Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm. 探讨了贝叶斯统计在遗传连锁分析中的应用,包括遗传重组率的贝叶斯估计、遗传连锁的贝叶斯因子检验和基于马尔可夫链蒙特卡罗理论的遗传连锁图谱构建。
Of the Markov model and hidden Markov model the Algorithm. 研究了马尔可夫模型和隐马尔可夫模型的思想与算法。
Using fuzzy Markov space constraints on fuzzy clustering algorithm, can exert space constraints efficiency enhancement algorithm robustness. 利用Markov空间约束场对模糊核聚类算法施加空间约束,可有效性增强算法的鲁棒性。
Finally, this paper combined Markov and Genetic Algorithm, created the prototype of automatically test tools. 最后把遗传算法和马尔科夫链使用模型结合起来,实现高科软件测试的自动化测试工具系统的原型系统。
In the template matching part, just the same as the recognition part, the algorithm of Dynamic Time Warping, the improved algorithm of Dynamic Time Warping and the Hidden Markov Mode algorithm are discussed. 模板匹配部分,即识别部分,本文论述了动态时间弯折算法,动态时间弯折的改进算法和隐马尔可夫模型算法。
In this thesis, smart home control voice command, selects the method combined with the Discrete Hidden Markov model algorithm and vector quantization. By constructing an embedded hardware and software platform, the system designed speech recognition applications. 本论文针对智能家居控制的语音命令,选择了基于离散隐马尔可夫模型算法和矢量量化结合的方法,通过构建嵌入式软硬件平台,设计语音识别应用程序。
Markov blanket discovery algorithm can be divided into two categories. However, their principles are not the same. 目前马尔可夫毯发现算法可分为两类,这两类算法的原理是不一样的。
This is a foundation work for emotional identification. Third, the use of hidden Markov model algorithm in the speech signal to identify the advantages of voice to signal emotional feelings of identification information. 第三,利用隐马尔科夫模型算法在语音信号识别上的优点,来对情感语音信号进行情感信息的识别。
So the solution is that dealing with Markov and Fuzzy C-means Algorithm segmentation result, marking same classification between them, making differ classification too. 所以采取的方法就是把马尔科夫和模糊C均值聚类法的分割结果进行处理,当两者的划分一致时标记起来,不一致时也标记起来。